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Supervision, Consultation, Wellness Support

My goal is to provide individualized, value-based support that further develops your clinical skills and combats compassion fatigue. Explore below to learn more about the services I offer and get in touch today to begin a discussion about your needs.

Services : Services
Blade of Grass

Individual Clinical Supervision

Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly


1 Hour             $175

Looking for a supervisor to support your practice or help you complete clinical hours for licensure? I've been supervising interns, new graduates, and experienced clinicians for 15 years. My supervisory style is collaborative and reflective, and focuses on helping you achieve your professional development goals. I bring expertise in a number of evidence-based practices for treating a variety of client concerns and can also guide you through challenges with engagement, assessment, diagnosis, risk management, and breaks in alliance. It's an honor to support you in providing the best possible care to your clients. Contact me today to talk more about your needs and a schedule that will be right for you.

Individual Case Consultation

Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, As Needed


1 Hour                   $175

Ever feel stuck with a particular client? Unsure how to move forward or how best to help your client achieve their goals? Schedule an hour of individual case consultation focused on your needs related to a particular client. I can provide expert consultation in general practice competencies for all client populations as well as specialty areas including family therapy, child and adolescent therapy, trauma specific treatment, and risk management. I can also consult on the use of evidence-based practices including cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing. Contact me today to talk more about your needs and a schedule that will be right for you.

Tropical Palm Leaf
Blades of Grass

Group Case Consultation

Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, As Needed


90 Minutes          $100

Small group consultation allows you to grow your clinical skills, enhance your client services, and connect with peers. Like individual consultation, group consultation focuses on your needs related to clinical work but with the added benefits of multiple voices, lower fees, and connection to a community. Join a group already in session or create a new group with your peers. Contact me today to talk more about your needs and a schedule that will be right for you.

Individual Self-Care Coaching

Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, As Needed


1 Hour                 $150

Feeling depleted, burned out, and overly stressed? Prioritize yourself and commit to individual coaching sessions focused on your whole health wellness. From combatting compassion fatigue, to balancing work and home, to implementing a personal self-care plan, these sessions will help restore all that you've given to others. Give yourself the gift of lowered anxiety, decreased stress, increased energy, and more joy.

Aloe Leaves
Fern leaf

Group Wellness Support

Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly


1 Hour            $75

We are the givers, and we need some caretaking in return. The more energy we expend caring for our clients, coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, and managing other life stressors, the more we need to build in structured opportunities for replenishment. Join me and other behavioral health care peers in group sessions focused on combatting secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. Bring more connection to your relationships, more energy to your work, and more contentment to your life.

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